Mesembryanthemum from Mur Crusto garden


What's in a small box or bag?

In our mid-January 2003 example (click here to see picture), we put in

  1. brussels sprouts
  2. lettuce with little bunch of winter purslane
  3. garlic
  4. oriental salad greens (mizuna, pak choi, namenia)
  5. parsnips
  6. potatoes
  7. squash (winter pumpkin)
  8. swede
  9. leeks

What's in a large box or bag?

In our mid-January 2003 example (click here to see picture), we put in

  1. beetroot
  2. brussels sprouts
  3. cabbage, white
  4. carrots, large bunch
  5. garlic
  6. leeks
  7. lettuce with little bunch of winter purslane
  8. mizuna and namenia leaves
  9. pak choi, whole plant
  10. parsley
  11. squash
  12. salad rocket
  13. potatoes

The contents vary considerably according to season. No toGo on, bury your head in the sand. Denial it's calledmatoes in winter and no brussels sprouts in summer, for example. Obvious, you may think, but not so to many city-dwellers who are accustomed to every type of fruit and veg at all times, air freighted in by supermarkets from Chile, New Zealand or Kenya!

Climate change? Pollution? Don't believe in it...